On Demand Library.

Setting Up Your Home: Tips for Starters
AMI trained educator, Tea Bezos, gives you the steps on how to set your home up for successful interactions with your child.

Six Tips for More Meaningful Connections
Until recently, many psychologists believed showing affection towards children was a sentimental gesture with no real purpose. Today, scientific studies have shown that the relationships we form in our early years influence the rest of our life.

Anxiety and the Young Mind - Dealing with Yours and Theirs.
Free access
Parenthood is definitely a journey of highs and lows so it's no surprise that we can find ourselves dealing with anxiety in some form along the way - either our own or our child's. This masterclass will help you gain a better understanding of anxiety and how we can deal with our anxieties and in turn help our little ones go through the cycle of resiliency instead of the vicious cycle of anxiety.

Toileting Masterclass Series - 3 parts
Free access
In this three-part series, our expert guides teach you how and where to begin when you're child is showing toileting readiness. The second video looks at the roles adults play and how we can encourage a child on their toileting journey. The final video shows how parents can impliment the lessons learned from the first two videos to set up their child for successful toileting.

Everything your child needs to know by 6 and why
Do you know all the things your child actually needs to know by the time they are 6 years old? Actually it's probably not what you think. Reading, writing and maths have their place, but what you will learn in this video are the skills and knowledge that will set up your child for the rest of their life.
The Power of the Spoken Word
Did you know that a child’s vocabulary growth is directly linked to his or her overall school achievement later on in life? The size of their vocabulary in kindergarten can predict their ability to learn to read. In this masterclass you will learn how to build a solid foundation for literacy skills using the power of the spoken word.
Understanding Sharing and Conflict Resolution with Young Children
"It's mine!" How many times have we heard these words uttered by our child as soon as another child goes near their food or things? Most of the conflicts at the playground or at home are usually around the idea of sharing. The concept of sharing can be tricky for young children, and for toddlers it is almost impossible. This masterclass will show you some tips on how to help your child learn to 'share' in a way that is developmentally appropriate and peaceful.
Sensitive Periods in Your Child's Development - Windows of Opportunity
Sensitive periods allow your child to learn new things quicker and easier than at any other time of their life. Learn what to look out for so that you do not miss these key learning opportunities.
Discipline and the Young Child
There are some key things to do before we can discipline our children. Sometimes these steps are forgotten and lead to power struggles between you and your child. Learn the key initial steps to take that will make a difference that will strengthen your relationship with your child and make discipline easier.
Tantrums, Tears and Meltdowns Explained
Children under six years of age are realising they are separate individuals from their parents and caregivers. This means they are driven to assert themselves, communicate their likes and dislikes, and act independently. At the same time, they do not understand logic and still have a hard time with waiting and self-control. This is why you hear “no” and “me do it” more than ever before. This masterclass will help you understand why your child is behaving in a certain way and learn how to respond appropriately.
Top 10 Benefits of Outdoor Play
Are you having trouble getting your child outside? Do you have a small garden, or no garden at all? Did you know that children can spend on average up to 1,200 hours a year of screen time? If you need some motivation to help get your little one outside, this Masterclass looks at the top 10 benefits of playing outside and give you some tips and tricks to help you and your child get the most out of your time outdoors.
Why Children Can't Sit Still And Why It's Good For Their Brains
Ever notice how your young child loves to fidget? In fact, sometimes it’s downright impossible to keep them still for any length of time! Research shows that physical movement is part and parcel of brain development. Watch this Masterclass to learn how a range of different physical movements can result in better-performing, healthier children.
Food for Life
Meal times can be challenging for parents; food rejection and fidgeting at the table are really frustrating and downright unpleasant. This masterclass will help you identify what is really going on with your young child at meal times—and you'll learn ideas on how to help them establish the life long skill of eating well.
Schedules vs Routines
Children under 3 have a very strong sense of order and require a certain amount of predictability in their life. In this talk we will discuss how to create a work/toddler/life balance and how this might look with working parents.
Meaningful Connections
Some of us may be home all day, however it seems that our children still want more. In this talk we will discuss the key ways to create meaningful connections with your child (and others!), so that they keep a 'full bucket'.
In this talk we will discuss toileting. How to set up your space, how to get yourself mentally prepared, starting and troubleshooting.
Discover the activities that will keep your child engaged for longer. In this talk we will hone your observations skills, so that you can choose activities that will keep your child engaged. We will also look at the dos and don'ts of playing with your children.
Children under 3 are 'hands on' learners. This is a great time to introduce art and craft activities, but it can be difficult to know where to start, how to limit the mess and how to help our children be creative. In this talk we will be discussing how our actions can stimulate or stifle your child's creative process.